SPESCOInc.  Abrasive Media, Sandblasting Equipment, Parts, and Repairs


951 Pierce Butler Route

St. Paul, Minnesota 55104

Phone:        651-488-7624 | 800-611-4967

Fax:                           651-488-9475

Email:               spesco@spescoinc.com

Copyright © SPESCO Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Material Common Application(s) Hardness Density Shape Initial Cost Reuse Cycles Cost per Use
Aluminum Oxide Clean, Finish, Deburr, Etch Mohs 9 3.95 Angular high 6 - 8 med
Ceramic Bead Clean, Finish, Peen Mohs 7 - 7.5 2 Rounded very high 90 - 120 med
Coal Slag Creates heavy to slight profiles; remove rust, mill scale, and coatings Mohs 6 - 7.5 2.7 Angular low 2 - 3 low
Corn Cob Remove paint from delicate surfaces Mohs 2 - 4.5 0.8 - 1.2 Angular med 4 - 5 low
Crushed Glass Clean; Remove coatings, paint, and rust Mohs 5.5 - 7 2.5 Angular low 1 - 2 low
Garnet Clean, Finish, Deburr, Etch Mohs 7 3.5 - 4.3 Sub-Angular med 4 - 5 med
Glass Bead Clean, Finish Mohs 5.5 - 6 2.5 Rounded high 6 - 8 med
Plastic Remove coatings and paint from delicate surfaces; no anchor pattern Mohs 3 - 4 1.5 Sub-Angular high 8 - 10 med
Silicon Carbide Surface prep - hard substrates Mohs 9 - 10 3.2 Angular high 5 - 6 med
Soda Clean, Remove paint Mohs 2 - 3.5 2.2 Angular high 1 high
StarBlast Clean; Remove coatings, paint, rust, mill scale Mohs 7 - 7.5 3.7 - 3.9 Sub-Angular med 1-2 med
Steel Grit Remove heavy scale Mohs ~8
RC 42 - 62
7.3 Angular high 200+ med
Steel Shot Clean, Peen Mohs ~8
RC 42 - 50
7 Rounded high 200+ low
Walnut Shells Clean and Deburr; no anchor pattern Mohs 3 - 4 1.2 - 1.4 Angular med 4 - 5 med